8 Strategies to Improve Employee Retention During Probation

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Smriti Rajan
Smriti Rajan
Smriti Rajan comes from a political science and literature background, having an immense passion for writing across varied topics. She has written several articles and blogs for diverse audiences worldwide. She has produced several research publications, policy frameworks, and opinion pieces for think tanks, government institutions and corporates. Alongside this, she writes for a large Fortune 500 clientele and is a key contributing writer for Wikistrat on their EMEA desk. Currently, she resides in India.

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Employees want to be appreciated, they want to continuously learn, and they want to know that there’s room to grow within their current organization. Therefore, employee retention is incredibly important to the operation of a successful business.

Below are 8 strategies to improve employee retention during probation.

Creating a culture of trust and respect

The first step to building a strong employee retention program is to create a culture of trust and mutual respect among employees. When employees feel they can trust their employer, they are less likely to leave. Trust is built over time and requires employers to make sure they are doing everything possible to create a positive work environment. Employees need to know that their employer cares about them and wants what’s best for them. If employees believe that their ideas are valued, then they will have no reason to leave.

Providing opportunities for professional growth

94% of employees surveyed by LinkedIn for its annual Workplace Learning Report said they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their professional development.

Employees who feel challenged and supported in their career advancement will stay longer than those who do not. Providing training, mentoring, and coaching opportunities for employees is critical to retaining them. Training should be provided regularly throughout the year. Employees should receive regular feedback on their performance and be given the opportunity to ask questions.

Offering flexible work schedules

Offering flexible work hours and scheduling options helps retain employees. Flexible work hours allow employees to balance their personal lives with their jobs, and they may find that working fewer hours per week is easier on their family life. Offering employees flexibility in their schedules gives them more control over their own lives.

Giving employees ownership over projects

Giving employees ownership over projects helps build loyalty and commitment. When employees feel invested in the success of a project, they are less likely to leave.

Recognizing individual contributions

Recognizing employees for their hard work and accomplishments builds morale and creates a sense of pride. When employees know that their efforts are appreciated, they are much more likely to remain loyal.

Being transparent about performance issues

Transparency builds trust between employees and employers. When employees are aware of problems at the workplace, they are more likely to stay. Being open and honest about performance issues shows employees that management cares about their well-being. Moreover, employees will feel more confident knowing that their employer is committed to providing a safe workplace.

Giving employees the tools they need

Providing employees with the right equipment and technology helps keep them productive. Having the latest software and hardware ensures that employees are able to perform their jobs efficiently. Providing employees with the right tools also reduces employee turnover.

Keeping communication channels open

Open communication channels allow employees to share ideas and concerns without fear of retaliation. Open communication channels also encourage employees to provide constructive criticism and suggestions.


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